Friday 5 November 2010

Media A-Z

Key Words I can use in my critical investigation.
  • Cameo- In glee there has been many cameo appearances e.g Olivia Newton-John, Kristen Chenoworth, Idina Menzel, Neil Patrick Harris and more recently Gweneth Paltrow.
  • Construction- Every media text is constructed, and particularly in Glee the fact that their is song and dance makes it more different.
  • Genre Theory- Genre theorists consider the relationship between audience, media texts and media producers. Genres can appeal to their audience by also offering escapism.
  • Homage- In some of Glees musical numbers they pay homage, for example the Madonna episode.
  • Iconography
  • Interpellation- Due to Glees massive success, its fans respond to the media text by repeating fimiliar forms, for example fans can upload themselves singing songs from the show or remaking a particular scene from the show.
  • Intertexuality- Glee also references other works in its shows for example...
  • Multiculturalism- 902010, has a multicultral cast, including a white family with an adopted black son. There is also a persian teenager 'Navid' as one of the main cast which can atract a diverse audience, unlike the orginal 902010 in the 90's.
  • Narrative Theory -
  • Popular Culture- Glee and 90210, incorporates pop culture within their text, which is appealing to their mainstream audience who are interested in this.
  • Stereotypes- Mostly all american teen dramas have stereotypes of characters and places so audience can easily identify themselves with them.
  • Todorov, Equiblibrium Theory-
  • Utopia, Escapism- Glee and a bit of 902010 offers escapim to their audience; Glee through their ideolgies that you can reach your dreams and that you can be popular no matter your intelligence, appearance or sexuality and in 902010 its simply the glamourisation of Hollywood and Beverly Hills, the houses, the cars and good- looking cast.
  • Youth Culture-

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