Thursday 29 July 2010


Glee star Jane Lynch on how her acid tongue won her worldwide fame
Jun 20 2010 John Millar, Sunday Mail
JANE LYNCH is having the best year of her life - and she can't hide her Glee.
She has achieved global stardom with the hit American TV series, got married and become a stepmum.
The tall blonde has gone from playing little-known roles to awardwinning success as the acid-tongued cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester of William McKinley High School.
There's a new series of Glee, the show about teen misfits who hit the high notes at a school singing club, on the way and Jane reckons the secret of Sue's popularity is her ability to say the unsayable.
Talking to the Sunday Mail at the Monte Carlo TV Festival, Jane said: "She's attractive because she's so mean.
"There are things we would never say out loud, but Sue has no filter and people love that.
"One of my favourite Sue put-downs was when she says, 'I'm going to get a diaper for your chin because it looks like a baby's ass'.
"She puts together these random sentences of condemnation and everyone wishes they could do that, but at the end of the day she's not dangerous.
"It's not like she's Anthony Hopkins in The Silence Of The Lambs. You're not afraid of her."
Jane is delighted by the sort of reaction she gets from fans of Glee.
"There'll be 14-year-old girls coming up to me three or four times a day, vibrating with enthusiasm and saying, 'This is what I do, I'm in plays at school'.
"One girl told me they had three times more people audition for the school play this year than last year and I hope that's the case elsewhere.
"The show has kind of legitimised the arts as a cool thing to do."
She describes herself as a character actor and lists Jennifer Saunders, 30 Rock star Tina Fey and Eve Arden, who was Principal McGee in Grease, among her favourite funny ladies.
And her top singing star is Big Yellow Taxi creator, Joni Mitchell.
"She's a poet with a unique voice," says Jane.
"She's smoked a billion cigarettes and has this incredible, unique sound. Her songs are different, they're like poems.
"I read an article where the interviewer said, 'The women in your category like Joan Baez and Judy Collins... ' and Joni says, 'They're not in my category'. I love that."
On the big screen next month, Jane joins the wacky world of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz when she's the voice of Gretched in the cartoon Shrek Forever After.
Later, the 49-year-old star will be seen with Sigourney Weaver, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in Paul, a sci-fi romp about comic book geeks having an encounter with an alien.
A couple of the actress's most memorable moments on Glee were when she poked gentle fun at two pop icons - Madonna and Grease star Olivia Newton-John.
Jane recreated Madonna's Vogue video and helped Grease star Olivia in an update of the hit song Physical.
And she admits that she got a kick out of those episodes of Glee.
"I adore Olivia Newton-John and I was a huge fan of hers growing up, so that was a dream come true," she says.
"Doing the Vogue video was such a labour of love and probably a huge highlight in my life." But she adds that creating a note-for-note version of Madonna's stylish routine had been utterly exhausting.
"The whole team worked very hard on making it. I think we had more production meetings about that number than anything else on Glee," says Jane.
It was clearly worth all the effort because not only did Jane's performance wow fans of Glee, but it also seems that Madonna was pretty impressed.
"I didn't meet Madonna, but she released a statement saying she was very happy with the episode, as well she should be since it was a homage to her."
Now Jane and the rest of the Glee team are hoping that the show will continue to target superstars of rock.
"I've heard talk of a Bruce Springsteen episode, which would be amazing," she says.
Before Glee, for most folk Jane Lynch would have been Jane who? A late starter in showbiz - she was too nervous to be in high school plays - she was 33 years old when she got a small part in the Harrison Ford hit movie, The Fugitive.
After that, Jane appeared in lots of TV shows and films without ever really making her mark.
But audiences started to take notice when she was in a trio of mock documentary movies, Best In Show, a spoof on dog shows, A Mighty Wind, which sent up folk music, and For Your Consideration, which mocked the Oscar season. Jane came out as being gay years ago and doesn't believe it was a big deal.
"As for being out in Hollywood - I never thought about it," she says. "Nobody seems to care, actually. "I'm really grateful to Melissa Etheridge, KD Lang and Ellen DeGeneres who said, 'This is who I am.' "America kind of gasped at that and then went, 'ok, that's cool'."
At the end of May, Jane and psychologist Dr Lara Embry wed in Massachusetts.
"It was lovely. We were in North Hampton, which is where my wife went to school, so it actually had meaning for us," she says.
"We had four friends each who came along with their spouses, so it was really small."
The marriage also meant Jane became a stepmum to an eight-year-old daughter.
"She's actually more my daughter than my wife's in a way as she's a lot like me."
In just a few weeks, on July 14, Jane will have her 50th birthday but she insists there'll be no big party.
"It's weird to even fathom the idea of being 50," she says.
"I don't think I'll have a big blow-out.
"I'll probably just celebrate with my wife and my daughter.
"It will pass without too much fanfare."

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