Thursday 29 July 2010


"Twenty-three-year-old Lea Michele, the Broadway talent who plays Rachel, tells Hedegaard about her tattoos, and Cory Monteith, who portrays jock Finn, owns up to a few childhood arrests for offenses that “didn’t hurt people.” Dianna Argon (slippery cheerleader Quinn) describes what it was like joining the cast late and falling victim to Monteith’s fart pranks, and 19-year-old Chris Colfer, who bravely plays gay teen Kurt, opens up about his own painful youth and his never-changing voice."

The latest cover which carries the title "Glee Gone Wild: Inside TV's Hottest Show" has already sparked debate from avid RS readers. Some are angered by the choice of cover material, claiming that they'd rather see Iggy Pop or a recently deceased musical artist gracing the cover. Obviously fans of the show are happy with the cover choice, while others would rather not see the Glee cast on the cover. Some have even gone as far as to question the fact that the cast members shown on the cover are the "straight white characters" rather than the more diverse characters from Glee.

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